Minding my Ps and Qs (Puppies & Quilts)

Quilting with a 3 month puppy is a challenge...so its no surprise my output has slowed down considerable.  Oh sure---she looks innocent enough posing in front of a current WIP...but don't be fooled.  I've compiled a top 10 list of her most recent violations committed within my quilt studio (and I have photo evidence to prove many of her crimes!):

10. Uncovering my secret hiding spot for receipts of recent fabric purchases.  Way to blow  my cover! 
9.  Using my brand new rolling caddy/tote in lieu of the many bones floating around.
8.  Scratching at my bag of batting scraps
7.  Pulling scraps of fabric out of my scrap basket and strewing them about the floor
Scraps for toys---note the cute lady bug toy right there!!
6.  Emptying all my quilting supplies out of my tool bag

Caught red handed/pawed!
5.  Napping on my lap while I am trying to quilt.
As much as I love cuddling with Panda--its super hard to use the foot pedal, knee lift, maneuver fabric under the foot while balancing her safely on my lap!
4.  Using my chair for teething

3.  Exploring my fabric stash with her mouth--look with your eyes not with your teeth!
2.  Leaving presents in the quilt studio (ie.  puddles or otherwise)-gonna pass on posting pics of these serious violations.  Being in the quilt studio is a privilege--not a right!
1.  Any attempt to bite a finished quilt or blocks will earn you a one way pass to serving some time in isolation (aka kennel time!)

Time served in the slammer!
Wish me luck on my quilting adventures with this precious bundle of puppy energy running around!
Panda says "Quilting is SEW much fun!"
