Quilting furiously away in my studio, I bid 2012 farewell, and welcomed a new year with even more quilting (up through almost 3 AM!!!). The new year is definitely off to a great start and I've got some ambitious quilting goals lined up for 2013:
Ready for some FMQ! |
1. Embracing Free Motion Quilting!: Up until now, I've relied on my walking foot for all my quilting. And while it can accomplish some gentle curves, I am ready for more detailed and intricate quilt motifs. Already, I've gathered some resources to help me be successful in this endeavor: Leah Day's "Free Motion Quilting a Sampler" Craftsy class, visited her Day Style Designs website, read Listen to Your Quilt book, have 2 more quilts in my Amazon cue, and seriously considering Angela Walter's "How to Machine Quilt Negative Space" Craftsy class! And I have a bunch of quilt sandwiches prepped for getting my FMQ practice on!
Supplies for EPP class...check! |
2. Try My Hand at English Paper Piecing: I had signed up for an EPP class at my LQS in October, and even gathered all the materials on the supply list. Unfortunately, my new job conflicted with the class and I had to cancel. But to my luck--they are offering it again in just a few weeks, and I even got permission to leave work early! I am looking forward to the portability that EPP affords, which will be perfect for travel, work breaks and while watching tv!
Say cheese! |
3. Enhance my photography skills: Now that I've got a blog, a fancy new camera and post as SCVQA's historian, I'd like to take my photographs to the next level. So here I am committed to reading my camera manual to learn all about the various functions to capture the best photograph, regardless of conditions/lighting, etc. It would be helpful to capture more detailed pictures of my works in progress to share my techniques/process with fellow bloggers. Last, I want to take my finished photographs with more creative backdrops. Here I enrolled in Caro Sheridan's "Shoot It: A Product Photography Primer" Craftsy class and already learned a ton of great ideas for future photo shoots of my finished quitls!
Gathering Courage to Enter my Quilts |
4. Gather the courage to enter my work in a quilt show and/or competition: Two years in a row, I've passed on opportunities to enter my quilts in local quilt shows. My excuses for not entering range from "my quilts aren't good enough to be accepted," or "I won't be able to capture the quilt in a photograph to include with the application" to "oops, missed that deadline!" No more excuses in 2013! Seeing how our guild is hosting a quilt show in April, and I am working on the Quilt Show planning committee, it would be bad to pass on entering any of my quilts for display. And then I really hope to enter something for PIQF, even if only part of the "New Quilts of Northern California" exhibit! And who knows...maybe other quilt show opportunities/or competitions may pop up to consider.
My growing list of WIPs, Future Projects and UFOs... |
Cheers to the exciting quilting adventures awaiting in 2013!
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