For my day off, I thought I would spend a few minutes tidying up my studio, before I got down to working on my newest quilt. Starting at 7:30 am, I got to work organizing a few things...and didn't finished for almost 5 or 6 hours!! In that block of time, I managed to tackle every nook and cranny as I accomplished a lot of long overdue projects:
Skippy staking his claim on leftover blocks from past quilts |
Purge baby purge: scraps, yardage, books and more |
- purging fabric yardage that is no longer relevant. Much of it was purchased when I first started quilting and was naive about quality of fabrics. Some no longer matches my aesthetic or quilt plans. So I bagged it all up, and hope that others might be able to find use for it rather than end up in the landfill.
- discarding scraps that are too small for my use in future projects, but can be used to stuff dog beds for local animal shelters.
- walk down memory I found samples of the various fabrics used to make past quilts. I had forgotten about so many of these quilts so it was fun reminiscing about each quilt and how the recipient inspired the design. I salvaged a few pieces to add to my scrap collection. And there were even some leftover blocks that I may look to incorporate into future gifts.
- cleaning out dust bunnies...include from my sewing machine. I took it out of its set in shelf and yikes! I hadn't realized how long its been since I last dusted out the bobbin case.
- Reorganizing my quilt library. I managed to free up some shelf space by donating a few older books to my guild's boutique, where I am hoping they will provide inspiration and guidance to fellow quilters.
- And now I have room to actually quilt without shuffling around non essential stuff. Bonus, I now have space to add more fabric and books to my stash!
And yes---by 1 or 2 pm, I was ready to get to work on my quilt. Here is a sneak preview of the block components laid out on my design wall. More posts to come as I continue my progress.
Celestial Rings in Progress...more to come! |
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