Free Motion Quilting Round 1

Last on my New Years Resolution is Free Motion Quilting.  Up till now, I've certainly done lots of research by reading books, checking out blogs and even signing up for two Craftsy classes (note:  just signed up--as I have not yet started any of the curriculum or exercises!)  I was hoping the books might provide insight on some magical trick for overnight success.  But over and over I kept reading how important it was to practice, practice and practice!  Now that the year is half-way over, it was time to literally put the pedal to the metal and actually FMQ.  So I signed up for an in-person beginner's Free Motion Quilting class at my favorite LQS for a refresher and more importantly to force myself to actually practice!

I prepared two quilt sandwiches and I was ready to go.  The instructor provided a very helpful overview of the tools and set up then demonstrated some of the exercises to get the hang of FMQ...and then we were off to start practicing.

We started with up and down movements, followed by valleys and peaks, cursive e's and l's, loops and our name.  From there I went on to try all kinds of designs:  flowers, swirls, pebbles, and much more.

For inspiration of more motifs to try, I pulled out my Angela Walters books and gave it a whirl.  

I was amazed at how quickly the evening flew by as I doodled away with thread on my fabric sandwich.  I was actually having fun and felt relaxed...without need for wine to loosen up!  Of course, I will need to continue practicing and work out tension issues...but I am looking forward to trying more designs and perfecting my FMQing!!  I am especially curious to see what impact using the BSR and sunk in sewing machine might have.  I still have one more 18"x18" sandwich prepped, so guess what I will be doing over the next few days?!?
My 18"x18" FMQ sampler---not bad for one night's worth!
