I started with a simple heart fused in the center of my fabric. And then the chaos ensued with yarn, thread, stabilizers and quilting...oh my!
I had some fun ombre yarn that I layered down first. Initially, I was all fussy about the ends matching perfectly. But once I started to layer on more threads, I liked the chaotic look and just piled it on keeping a looser heart shape. I pulled all different threads in teals, purples and pinks, especially all the threads that gave me tension woes, like Superior's Glitter thread for a little bling! Then I covered it up with a sheet of Sulky dissolvable stabilizer and a few pins to keep everything in place while I moved to my machine. Using invisble thread on top and black aurofil in the bobbin, I used a large zig zag stitch and went around the heart 3 or 4 times, to hold all the threads in place. Off to the shower to wash away all the stabilizer and then lots of ironing as I was too excited to just wait for it to air dry!
While I will not criticize the end project, I need to find a way to work neater without losing my creative mojo. While it was a small project, there is a whole lot of texture going on in that 11"x11" square. It started with pulling out several fabrics to audition for the background. Then all the fusible. Then all the threads. Then backing and batting! My studio looked like a tornado rolled through! At first it was fine to work this way. But as each phase involved more and more materials, soon my work spaces were all cluttered that I couldn't continue without the risk of injuring myself or my project. I was just moving stuff from the cutting table onto the iron board, where it would then be in the way when I needed to iron...and vice versa!
Despite the sheer madness or managing my work space, it certainly was a liberating experience. No pattern, no limits...just fun and experimentation! I love my Electric Heart and look forward to future art quilting.
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