fusing the grid series is seriously addicting! I find myself dreaming of different grid variations and anxious to implement them into fabric. So I went to work continuing the Fusing the Grid series with #3 and #4...since I had already done the prep work thinking I would be attending both days of Sue Benner's Fusing the Grid workshops.
Fusing the Grid #3 Background Grid |
Fusing the Grid #3:
Fusing the Grid #3 |
For this background grid, I used 2 strips of fabric to create my 3" background squares creating a modern/wonky rail fence effect. After lusting over so many of my fellow workshop attendee's fun fabrics, I treated myself to a fabric trip to select non-quilting fabrics; sheers, swimsuit wear, and more! Imagine my delight when I realized the holographic swimsuit fabric used a 3" perfect!! I then added some swatches of black and white prints along with more of my plaid fabrics at the various intersections to help disguise the background grid and add another layer of interest, color and texture.
Fusing the Grid #4:
For this series, I started with four 3x3 mini grids for my background. I had originally wanted to add some circular shapes to break up the square grid, and started by adding some pumpkin seed petals, which you can see layered around a center black and white square. But I was unsure how to continue this design further and tried to create some radiating triangles around the circle as you can see in the lower left lime and pink quadrant. I just wasn't as excited about this direction and waited a day to see if it might grow on me and/or I might see it with fresh perspective the next morning. After "sleeping on it," I quickly decided to scrap this design, but still wanted something circular radiating out within each of the colorful quadrants. So I created some various layered wedges from my fun new fabrics, along with some scraps from the failed pumpkin seed design, that just explode from the center and really liked this new direction and design...
Fusing the Grid #4 |
This may very well be my favorite design of the 4 so far (note that I said so far, as my brain is still swirling with design ideas and I've got a stack of fused fabrics ready to play!!) Soon I hope to start quilting and finishing the four that I've fused thus far...but who knows whether I may start fusing up some more grids first?!? Time will tell!
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