Quilting in 2014

As 2014 comes to an end, it is time to reminisce and celebrate quilting highlights from the year including...
22 FINISHES!!!  Including 8 lap or larger size quilts, 7 baby/crib quilts, 7 mini/wall hangings, 4 UFOs, 18 quilts started and finished in 2014
4 QUILT CHALLENGE ENTRIES (clockwise from top left to bottom left):  2014 Hoffman Challenge, American Made Brand Farm to Fabric, Cherrywood Wicked Challenge and SCVQA Blast from the Past.
And how did I do with this year's New Year's Resolutions?!?
1.  Explore EQ7:  I uploaded the software onto my computer, watched all the tutorial videos, uploaded some fabric samples but really need to spend more time playing around with original designs.  I am signed up for the EQ7 Quick Start class starting 1/1/15.

2.  Learn how to hand dye my own fabrics:  read/collected several books on the topic and was dying to start, but wimped out.  But I am hoping to carry this one into 2015.

3.  Continue my Free Motion Quilting Education and Experimentation:   I started the new year off with a brand new pair of machingers and they worked their magic as I added all kinds of amazing quilted texture to quilts of all sizes.  I completed Leah Day's Free Motion Fillers vol 1 and 2 and created a fabulous reference quilt to hang in my studio.  I also completed several other Craftsy classes with Jacquie Gering, Patsy Thompson, Ann Peterson, Cindy Needham and Angela Walters.  And now that my quilting skills have improved, I find myself using more and more solids on the reverse side creating a whole cloth quilt effect to really allow my quilting to shine!  And my thread collection continues to expand!

4.  Continue my UFO Conquest:  2014 started with a large assortment of UFOs at various stages of progression.  I quickly realized that several no longer held my interest and so I organized a UFO exchange for my guild where I exchanged 3-4 of my unloved UFOs and took home 3 fun and fabulous new projects that yielded 4 finishes!  I also finished 4 large UFOs from past years.  I managed to complete 18 projects that were started this year and added a few new UFOs, all of which were fairly small and should be quick and easy to finish in 2015.

5.  Use What's Already In My Studio/Stash:  Several new projects were made almost entirely from my stash (rather than purchase all new fabrics):  both Technicolor Safari Sweet Dreams; both Interleave quilts; both Pandamonium quilts; Morning, Noon & Night; Fuse the Grid quilts; Amish Glow; and Whole Lotta Modern View.  While most of the challenge quilts required new fabric purchases as certain fabrics were required to meet the entry guidelines, I made sure to use a lot of the tools and notions to complete those challenges.  ;-)

Additional 2014 Highlights
Other 2014 Highlights include:  UFO Exchange where I exchanged 3-4 unloved projects for 3 new ones that yielded 4 finished projects; 2 quilts accepted into PIQF--Panda-monium and Fluttering & Voluptuous Vortex; Owl You Need Is Love accepted into 2014 Hoffman Challenge Travelling Exhibit with one of its first stops to Sarasota Florida to meet my mother!; Wicked Windy & Winding Ways accepted as one of 20 Finalist travelling to NYC Broadway and other national venues; Fields of Quilted Dreams unveiled at Houston International Quilt Festival; taking workshops with renowned quilt artists Sue Benner, RaNae Merrill, Gloria Loughman and Therese May; and mentoring a young new quilter Alex.

I've also been busy thinking ahead to all that awaits in 2015!!
