A Walk In the Woods

Today began with a road trip to Mt. Madonna County Park.  The girls' excitement began as soon as I put on my sneakers and continued for most of the trip.  They remained on high alert for the entire drive, with Panda ready to help navigate. 
"The mountains are calling and I must go." --John Muir
We were truly blessed with an absolutely gorgeous day on the trail!  The weekend crowd hadn't started arriving yet, so we had much of the park to ourselves...passing only one group of hikers!
"The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness."--John Muir
The girls had an absolute blast exploring all the sights and smells along the trail.  Our 4 mile trek provided a wealth of breathtaking views, including some spectacular floral arrangements.  Upon arrival, we were greeted with several fox gloves blooming along the parking lot, with many more to to be found along the trails.  
"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks."--John Muir    
What a perfectly delightful day of exploring.  9000+ steps later, we begrudgingly returned to the car to head home.  Before we had even left the park, both girls had settled down in the back seat for some much needed rest...and they have both been napping ever since we got home.  I am looking forward to our next walk in the woods...
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings."--John Muir
