Week 12: Blocks 78-84
Week 12 includes another fun mix of color schemes, elements of art, and design principles. Read on for a day-by-day reflection...
- Magenta solids, prints, and sheers were used for this monochromatic color scheme.
- The two circles float off the edge (partially out of necessity as the rest of the design was cut off in my scrap, as well as out of interest). Intersecting strips dance and float in between.
- Contrast was achieved with the mix of round circles and straight lines for the Xs, as well as the varying fabrics of the white background, solids with prints, etc.
- "I will not play tug o'war. I'd rather play hug o'war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs. Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug. Where everyone kisses, and everyone grins, and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins." -Shel Silverstein, Author & Poet
79/100 |
- A mix of blue-violets, purples, and magenta fabrics (hand dyed solids and sheers) were used for this analogous color scheme.
- The purple strips create lines that start out in vertical, orderly columns, but slowly start to shift color, overlap, and dance. Additional movement was created with the row of boxes along the top, which also start to spin and float.
- I reflected on the role of how chaos and order play a role in my creative life and found two great quotes:
- "I thrive in structure. I drown in chaos." -Anna Kendrick, American actress/singer
- "In chaos, there is fertility." -Anais Min, American-Cuban-French essayist
- In case you couldn't guess, I tend to lean towards thriving with structure in both my business and creative practice (hence the dice matrix!!). But I do try to embrace the gifts that come when chaos enters my world...although I have a limit before I need to reorganize and gain control once again!!
- A variety of greens and silver accents were used for the neutral plus one color scheme. The mesh silver bits kept fusing onto my protective parchment paper (despite repeat attempts), so I opted to incorporate some metallic bathing suit fabric (which fused beautifully).
- Two different lines were used: straight lines for the tree trunks, as well as spirals for the sky. The spirals offer a wonderful contrast (and movement) to the angular trees and floating fireflies.
- "A dark night, lightened up by thousands of glowing fireflies... It's magical..."-Ama H.Vanniarachchy, Sri Lankan author, illustrator, and scholar in Archaeology
81/100 |
- Warm yellows ranging from dark (bottom) to light (top) were used for this monochromatic color scheme.
- Rows of arches are stacked onto one another to create a clamshell pattern. Metallic gold fabrics were used for accents (paisley drops and smaller arches) and to help move the eye around this composition.
- "An arch consists of two weakness which, leaning one against the other, make a strength." -Leonardo daVinci, Italian artist and architect
- Light to dark blue fabrics were used for this monochromatic color scheme.
- The wavy foundation lines and placement of the accent strips and dark squares add wonderful movement to this door bead design. Space is explored through the placement of the door bead columns, as well as between the large and small beads.
- They reminded me of the buoys used for swimming pool lane lines, hence the selection of the selected quote--which is great motivation as I reach towards the 100 day finish line.
- "I wouldn't say anything is impossible. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and put the work and time into it." -Michael Phelps, Olympic Gold Swimmer
83/100 |
- A fun mix of solids, print, batiks, and sheers were used in this triadic color scheme of Magenta, Gold and Blue.
- Using mostly all squares creates unity. Interest was added through the placement of two slightly wonky, smaller blue squares, each containing a magenta heart accent.
- I've been treasuring all the wonderful connections that have been built over the past few months via Zoom, especially as more and more quilters are moving to online venues. I am so incredibly appreciative of those who have helped me in my journey, and do my best to share my gifts with others. May we all survive and thrive during these challenging times.
- When you learn, teach. When you get, give." -Maya Angelou, American Poet
84/100 |
- Yellow and purple solids are used for this complementary color scheme.
- Space was explored as I played with the edge treatment of the squares, along with the placement of the ravioli squares--with some touching, some overlapping, and some gaps in between. They appear to be dancing on the abstact plate, with the fork slightly askew ready for dinner!
- "You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together." -Anthony Bourdain, American Celebrity Chef, author, and journalist
Another week of blocks to add to the mix, making for a grand total of 84 Designs by Dice!!!
Blocks 1 - 84
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