Blocks 92-99 |
Wow! I can't believe how quickly the past 100 days have flown by...must have been all the fun I've been having rolling the dice and creating daily 7" compositions!! Here is my final weekly update on blocks 92-99:
92/100 |
- Assorted pinks and a purple (plus the blue background) make up this analogous color scheme. Space was explored both within and surrounding the cluster of quadrangle shapes (as well as the spacing between the connecting pairs of lines--which help emphasize the pathway and connections.
- "What art is, in reality, is this missing link, not the links which exist. It's not what you see that is art; art is the gap."-Marcel Duchamp, American-French painter/sculptor
- Light and dark valued black & white dotted prints were used in this achromatic/neutral color scheme.
- Unity was achieved by using a series of parallel and overlapping/intersecting arched lines (with varying widths for interest and scale)
- "The geometry of things around us creates coincidences, intersections." -Erri De Luca, Italian novelist/poet
94/100 |
- Pink and green fabrics were used for this complementary color scheme.
- Spirals were cut out for the rose shapes, adding wonderful movement to this design. Additional movement was created by the upward moving stems and leaves that point towards the flower heads.
- Scale is explored in the subtle variation in the sizes of the rose spirals, as well as the other floral elements: stems & leaves.
- "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Author of The Little Prince
- Whenever I am stumped for ideas--I keep it simple and just play. Today it was about squares cut from analagous green, yellow-green, yellow, and yellow-orange, in a range of light to medium values.
- I played with pattern through the variegation of color and value, as well as the placement of the smaller square centers.
- "Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."
-Robert Frost, American Poet
- Cool aquas ranging from light to dark were used for this monochromatic study.
- The two intersecting lines feature a chevron print that draws focus towards the center of this design. Each quadrant is a repeat, adding to the unity of this composition.
- The remaining negative space adds additional lines and patterning to this design.
- "Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate." -Zhuangzi, Chinese philosopher, 4th century BC
- Warm colors flowing from yellow-orange to orange, red-orange, red, and red-violet were used in this analogous color study.
- A variety of textures were achieved through each quadrant's designated bubble shape.
- Emphasis is explored through the strong, solid intersecting lines, as well as the gradiation in colors from the top left towards the bottom right.
- "We're just a bubble in a boiling pot." -Jack Johnson, "Galveston Giant", first African American World Heavyweight Boxing Champion
- Three values of grey solids were combined with solid orange for this neutral plus 1 color scheme.
- The background began with three rows of ovals that grew/shrunk as you moved from left to right. There was some interest here but I think it was too static and there was too much negative space between the rows.
- Once I started to play with the orienation and placement of those shapes, I absolutely loved how it added wonderful movement and energy to the background. For the most part, the shapes were still vertically oriented, but not always from tall to short. This also helped to better distribute the negative space to create a more balanced backdrop.
- The orange curve was layered on top with three circles that grow in size from top left to bottom right.
- "Rock and roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but move to it. That's what happens to me. I can't help it." -Elvis Presley, King of Rock and Roll
99/100 |
- Blue-violet and yellow-orange fabrics were used in this complementary color study.
- Gentle curved lines were used for the stems and leaves--which add wonderful movement and draw focus towards the two coneflower heads.
- I am really pleased with the unity achieved in this design. The elements all work well together to create a cohesive and well-organized composition.
- "Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul." -Luther Burbank, American botanist, horticulturist, and pioneer in agricultural science
One block left until all 100 blocks are complete! Join me soon as I unveil block 100/100, and share my reflections on my 100 Day Project journey...
Join me soon to see the final block 100/100 |
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