Time for another weekly update of inspiration behind my Daily Doodles...
In celebration of National Dog Day, today's text inspired #dicedoodle captures my pups' names (Callie, Panda, and Susie Q) as dog tags on their collars. We celebrated their special day with morning belly rubs, pooch smooches, yummy treats, and a lovely evening walk!!
I wonder what changes await me in the upcoming days, weeks, and months ahead?...and how they may inspire future Design Doodles!?!
Todays musically themed doodle is inspired by the 1984 song "You Spin Me Round" by the British band Dead or Alive (which I heard sung these evening) with a slight change to the chorus thanks to my bagel breakfast.
"You spin me right round, babyRight round like a [bagel], babyRight round round round."
-Songwriters: Michael David Percy / Peter Jozzepi Burns / Stephen Coy / Timothy John Lever / Michael Percy / Peter Burns / Timothy Lever
I think I might need to add a new dice category for inspiration: food and beverage!!
What a delight to take a well-deserved break away from the computer this afternoon, so I could play with a new quilt design. I'll be sharing photos of this finished quilt in my next blog post, but here is a sneak peek of my paper mock up which inspired today's dice doodle!
Camp TeAta's Upper Twin Lake waterfront is one of my all-time happy places. There were many wonderful memories and lifelong friendships made while working as a lifeguard, swimming & boating instructor, waterfront director, archery instructor, and assistant camp director at this Girl Scout resident camp, which was operated by the New Jersey Lenni Lenape Girl Scout Council, but located in within the New York's Harriman State Park. I stitched out this design while listening to the Lion King Broadway musical soundtrack, which we used to blast during the polar bear morning swims.
What a surprise to discover a fellow Instagram follower who also attended Camp TeAta as a camper and former staff member. Through our online exchanges, we discovered that the camp had been located at a different property during her summer tenure! She even shared a link to watch Follow Me Girls, a Girl Scout promo video, which references the original camp!! It's a Small World After All!!
Lots of improvisational piecing fun today with the Orange County Modern Quilt Guild, in an online Slice of Improv workshop. They were super adventurous and absolutely fearless, especially when it came to curves!!
My daily doodle was inspired by several slices of the fun and happiness from the workshop...
Painted utility markings caught my attention during one of my morning walks. I had fun stitching them out with my own personal mantra: peace, love, and happiness. In case you were curious, red markings indicate electric wiring, yellow for gas/oil/steam, and white paint for proposed excavation limits and/or messages to other workers.
Ch ch channeling David Bowie's "Changes" lyrics as I reflect on how much my life, career, and creativity have changed over the past years and especially these past few months! Some days are certainly strange, but definitely fascinating and fast-paced!
"Time may change meBut you can't trace timeStrange fascination, fascinating meAh changes are taking the pace I'm going throughCh-ch-changes(Turn and face the strange)Ch-ch-changes(Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers)"
-"Changes" written and performed by David Bowie
It was fun to adapt the letters from the song title into free motion filler designs using a variegated thread that changed colors as I stitched across each row!
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