100 Days of Dice Doodles: Week 10 Update

This week's collection of Dice Doodles represents a range of emotions experienced over the week including anxiety, hope, distraction, beauty, elation, and strength. Thankfully these daily doodles have been a wonderful outlet for reflecting on these experiences and persevering...


It's been another emotionally exhausting week of news. Just as my sense of hope started to fade, I listened to "Fight Song" written by Dave Bassett and Rachel Platten:
"I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion"
These lyrics certainly helped ignite my spirit along with a renewed hope for justice, good, and our democracy.


Most of my day: "I have a bad feeling about this..." (Did you know this phrase is said in every Star Wars Film?!?)

This evening I channeled Leia through my mini Leia buns and closed out my day with this quote:
"Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it you'll never make it through the night."
-Leia Organa, Star Wars: Episode VIII-The Last Jedi


It's been a challenge to focus on my work and creativity. Most days I find myself pulled in different directions, spinning in circles, or coming to a complete stop. I am thankful for these evening stitch sessions to meditate...
"Knowing what to leave out is just as important as knowing what to focus on." -Warren Buffett

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."-Aristotle
Earlier in the day I participated in an online Dump Your Brain workshop with April Corbett. One of the first activities we did was to scribble out our stress/anxiety, etc. It felt great on paper and even better stitched out in thread! I recommend giving it a try!


Kudos to the Quilt Alliance for organizing and hosting an absolutely wonderful Quilters Take a Moment online event! Both days were packed with uplifting quilting stories, inspiration, community, and opened with "What a "Wonderful World" playing in the background.
"I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom, for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world"
-Written by Bob Thiele and George Weiss, Performed by Louis Armstrong
And each day closed with a Dance It Out with staff, volunteers, and attendees dancing with their quilts. In case you missed this fun event, you can register to watch the recordings.


Many thanks to my family, friends, and partner for helping me to overcome my writer's block, seasonal allergies, and recent news so I could meet my deadline! What a weight lifted off my shoulders as I hit submit!! Stay tuned for more information on this top secret project!!


I loved going out to the archery range at summer camp. Of course it's hard to believe I was an archery instructor, especially since I once again missed my mark when filling in my 4" square tonight!! Oops!


Pre-Covid, I struggled to maintain a plank pose in yoga. I could only do 10-15 seconds and then dropped down to my knees for a modified plank which was still very challenging! But over the past few months I have been working on building up my core strength and form. Today I did a full minute plank without breaking my form!! I felt so strong and fired up that I did 2 more minute planks, each with a super brief mid-minute break into downward facing dog.

I am pretty fired up about how this project is progressing...especially as I am approaching the 3/4 mark!! Thanks for joining me on this journey!!


  1. What a treat to watch these doodles develop. So many good memories and watchwords in your work.

    1. Thanks Ann...time sure is flying by fast as I head into the home stretch. And I am already making notes as to what I might like to explore next...


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