Another exciting week in my 100 Days of Mark Making. Nearly 4.5 yards of Pimatex Prepared for Dye Cotton were marked using mostly yellow paints--although you will notice that I went a bit rogue the last 2 days!! Read on as I share more about the various products and techniques that were explored during Week 8...
50/100: Sun Printing, Fauxbori, and Gelli Plate Printing
Today's gorgeous weather was perfect for celebrating the midpoint in my 100 Days Project.
There was no dice roll involved but lots of playful printing including sunprinting with pressed vinyl placemats...
While the sun worked its magic on those fabrics, there was time for gelli plate printing using a variety of stencils, sequin waste ribbon, and rubber texture combs!! Most of these fabrics are 12" square to accommodate my new 12" Gelli plate!
Sharing just a few of the many wonderful fabrics featuring floral designs and sunshine yellows!
51/100: Artist's Choice + Wavy Lines & Spirals
A friend lent me her copy of Calligraphy: A Book of Contemporary Inspiration by Denise Lach. It inspired me to use calligraphy and graffiti to channel hope and sunshine out into the world...especially for the Boulder, CO community in the wake of another senseless mass shooting.
52/100: Textile Paints + Triangles
Stamping triangles with acrylic paint and using a toilet paper tube, pizza saver (top row), and heavy duty scouring pad (bottom row) for my stamps.
53/100: Pens + Straight Lines/Grid
54/100: Textile Paints + Circles/Dots
Circle, circle, dot, dot,
Painting with a random lot
Check out the fun patterns I got!
I rounded up a variety of circle-shaped objects for use with stamping: pill bottles, lids, PVC connectors, foam pouncer, markers, Lego bricks, q-tips, foam marshmallow, sequin waste ribbon. It was fun to repeat and layer the stamped designs to create rows and grids.
55/100: Going Rogue!
Going totally rogue today!
1. Skipped rolling the dice for today's assignment
2. Switched to a new color
3. Posted while its still light outside!
Besides rules were meant to be broken; even if you are the one who created them in the first place!!
Today involved a few new experiements. First was wrapping rubberbands around a piece of acrylic plastic to create really awesome stamped lines and textures. I made two different stamps and then layered some popsicle stick stamping on top (as shown in the bottom left photo)
56/100: More Going Rogue with Sun Printing!!
Another gorgeous day: perfect for sun printing!! Here are my fabrics batching on this glorious sunny day, complete with lovely birds singing in the background (which you can hear in this short video)!! Just gotta wait for the sun to work it's magic and then the fun reveal!!
I absolutely love these reveals and captured them all on camera so you too can enjoy (be sure to swipe for more videos and photos):
- Four of my favorite fabric reveals
- A few more fabulous fabric reveals
- Last set of sun printing reveals. The first one didn't quite work out with the first mat, but I was able to make it work using a different mat. Always glad to learn and refine techniques!!
Wow! What a fantastic set of prints that are exploding with brilliant colors and textures! If you are curious to learn more about this process, I highly recommend taking a workshop with Betty Busby. This is a process that I've dabbled in before but I learned so many great tips in my 4-day workshop with Betty Busby.

I am officially past the mid-point in my 100 Days of Mark Making! Below are the swatches of fabric created so far: More than 22 yards of printed fabric!! Stay tuned for more Mark-Making Magic coming up in the second half of this creative adventure!!
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