Lessons Learned from Quilt Challenges

"I never lose, I either win or learn" - Nelson Mandela

I love this quote, especially as it relates to my participation in quilt challenges.  Winning awards & prizes is certainly a fun bonus, but for me, the bigger prize is all that I've learned from each and every quilt challenge.
Between the 60+ quilt challenge finishes, I've certainly picked up some new quilting techniques and tricks:  stack & whack quilts, slice and insert improvisational piecing, bias tape applique, mod molas, designing original quilts in Electric Quilt, trapunto, working with non-quilting fabrics and sew much more!!  My progression as a quilter is especially evident as you compare my first quilt challenge entry with my most recent challenge finish!!
Learning Progression From 1sts Challenge Quilt to Most Recent Challenge Finish 
There have been other important life lessons learned along the way:
  • Time management (especially for those 1 week challenges)
  • Working under pressure
  • Creative brainstorming
  • Photography
  • Taking risks
Several of the challenges prompted considerable research and study on a fun range of topics including (top left to bottom right):
Interesting Quilts=Interesting Discoveries
Thank goodness for Pinterest, Youtube videos and local libraries for providing me with invaluable information and insights for these fun research projects!!

I look forward to many more fun discoveries and developments as I continue my quilt challenge participation in 2018!!


  1. So many challenges met so creatively. You've truly grown through this process and now inspire us. Congratulations, Mel.

    1. Thanks Ann...these challenges sure to inspire some of my more creative moments!! So happy to enjoy each quilts process and inspiration!!


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