100 Days of Hand-Carved Stamps: Week 14 Update

It's hard to believe that this is the final week of hand-carved and printed patterns. This is one of the very few weeks where I only carved one block each day...but they sure are fun blocks with lots of pattern potential! Keep reading to learn more about the design inspiration and process for Days 92-99...

92/100: Artist's Choice + Repeat Pattern

"A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success."
-Elbert Hubbard, American Writer, Publisher, Artist, and Philosopher
I was soo excited about the repeat pattern potential for this carved block. But when I went to start printing (image after the carved block/index card), I was so disappointed by the misalignment. 

I was very close to giving up, but decided to try printing a few alternate patterns that did not require perfect alignment and was pleasantly surprised! 

I even revisited the printing with aligned edges and achieved better results. So glad I kept exploring...

93/100: Triangle + Pattern/Repetition

"The orchid is Mother Nature's masterpiece."
-Robin Miriam Carlsson, also known as Robyn, Swedish Singer/Songwriter, and record producer
Lots of orchids blossoming with tonight's triangle-based block! 

These petal designs really blossomed as I started with the red prints and overstamped with the orange prints aligned at the centers and then corners. 

94/100: Artist's Choice + Artist's Choice

Woo hoo!--A double Artist's Choice dice roll for today's carve and print session! 🎲🎲
Hmmm...what shall I carve and print?!? Here are a few scraps of soft carving block material that may inspire today's design...
"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."
-Albert Schweitzer, Alsatian-German theologian, musicologist, writer, humanitarian, philosopher, and physician

Incredibly thankful for all those who have been a spark of inspiration along my creative journey!
Who are the creative sparks along your creative path?

95/100: Square + Pattern/Repetition

"Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture."
-Lydia M. Child, American abolitionist, women's rights activist, Native American rights activist
Today was a day to show up for my art and teaching business! I absolutely love to empower & inspire my fellow creatives, and have lots to offer in the forms of fun & inspiring lectures and workshops. Scroll down for a fun invitation to roll the dice with me in August!

96/100: Leaf + Nature

“Curiouser and curiouser!”
Alice, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
The more I carve, the more curious I get about what else I can carve and print! Tonight's carve is inspired by these leaf sculptures photographed during my 2018 Disneyland visit. I just loved those whimsical spirals and patterns!

They translated beautifully into these carved leaf designs...

97/100: Skinny + Artist's Choice

“We learn the rope of life by untying its knots.”
-Jean Toomer, American Poet
Learning the ropes of block carving one day, one block, and one print at a time! Tonight's design is from Graham Leslie McCallum's Pattern Motifs: A Sourcebook. It was a great challenge to deconstruct the shape into a simple repeat pattern and add fun textures!

Initial prints focused on linear rope/cable designs by stacking and/or rotating the stamp 180-degrees to have two repeats of each pattern.

Next was exploring additional printed patterns with the X designs especially intriguing to me.

98/100: Artist's Choice + Repeat Patterns

"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way."
-Edward de Bono, Maltese physician, psychologist, author, inventor, philosopher
Exploring new repeat patterns and non-repeat patterns with today's carved block! Oftentimes I look to Mexican tiles for initial structure before adding my own textures and twists! I am really pleased with how this one came together to create two repeat shapes/spaces!

And here are some additional patterns printed with this block.

99/100: Leaf + Artist's Choice

“Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will Grow… perhaps it all will.”
-Albert Einstein, German-born theoretical physicist

Lots of seeds have been sown with lots of growth over the past 99 days...one more day to carve, print, and play!

Are you ready to add a bit of creative play into your day?! Join me via Zoom for Design by Dice, a 2-hour mini workshop where we'll roll the dice to explore new design possibilities!

Bring a few fabric/paper scraps, glue, scissors, dice, and leave with lots of ideas and inspiration for using dice to stretch your creativity!

Registration is $25 for 2 hours of inspiration, resources, and interactive exercises to stretch your creativity in a FUN new way!

Let's roll the dice this August with your choice of dates/times:
🎲Wednesday, August 10th, 6-8 PM EDT/3-5 PDT: Registration Link
🎲Saturday, August 20th, 5-7 PM EDT/2-4 PDT: Registration Link
